Friday, 1 April 2011

Oh Chit!!!

Methinks it may be time to get planting?  Don't you?   I feel an allotment weekend coming on!!!

Remember that Dicentra/Sea Anenome looking thing I showed you last month?  Well what a difference a couple of weeks make eh?!

The forsythia is out and in full eye-narrowingly acid-yellow bloom!

Princess Leia keeping an eye on proceedings.

The chook-mob have me cornered.  'You ain't getting out alive until you show us what's in your pockets'.  Note to all tiny-holder farmers....  chicken beaks fit perfectly into the holes of yer Crocs.  Ouch!!


  1. Years ago I used to collect eggs at the farm where I kept my horse. I had a tiny hole on te shin of my joddies and the hens just pecked at it relectlessly, until I was forced to sew it up! I only just remembered that :-D

  2. Kim, your title post made me laugh. A lot! Have a great weekend!

  3. I couldn't resist Loo!!!

    Kath - how funny!! A friend of mine came over to see them last Sunday and poked a very red varnished fingernail thru' the mesh - three chicken beaks broke the speed of sound to investigate!!

    Have a wonderful weekend both xxx

  4. Oh My! You did make me guffaw at the chicken nibblers bit.....little blighters....I think you should be making a pie pretty soon ;)

  5. Me too-right away with the oh chit. And isn't that poor wrinkled one looking so sad!
    Your Bleeding Heart looks lovely. It was one of my grandmother's favorites!

  6. *smiles mischievously*

    I'm so glad you're all on my wavelength - although that's a pretty scary place to be!! ;)
